ACMS is helping Greater Anglia achieve their objective of going completely paperless

Greater Anglia were one of the first pioneers of ACMS, following the adoption of the platform by their sister company C2C.  Now they have ambition to go completely paperless.

Greater Anglia were facing lots of challenges around their paper based approach to competence management assessment. Assessors were taking a long time to gather record, review and file the information.   “Our sister company C2C were using ACMS and we could see that, even early on, the platform was delivering substantial benefits in managing the process.  We started engaging with AssessTech to identify how an electronic competence management approach would help streamline and speed up our current assessment processes.”  Said Paul Atherfold, Senior Operations Standards Manager at Greater Anglia. 

AssessTech worked closely with the team at Greater Anglia to help them adopt ACMS to align with their internal competence management processes.  Full training was carried out to ensure the assessors and drivers knew how to use it and it was quickly embedded into the assessment process, with the AssessTech customer services team supporting the initial rollout where required.

 ACMS has resulted in a fully streamlined assessment process for Greater Anglia.  The competence management assessors are gaining the most impact as they can now complete the assessment as they are meeting with the staff, rather than having to return to their desk to file the assessments.

Greater Anglia are also using the Incident Module within ACMS. Previously the company spent a significant amount of time collating information around investigations which they struggled to complete on time. “Having an electronic system to capture information for investigations has been instrumental for Greater Anglia. Not only have we been able to save days undertaking the investigative work, it has also made our process and the information we gather much more robust.  By undertaking these investigations using an electronic method, we have undoubtedly gathered a lot more detailed information that we would not have collected previously using paper based methods.  It’s been an excellent addition for Greater Anglia.”, said Paul Atherfold. 

ACMS has also significantly improved the reporting function within Greater Anglia.  Where previously information was gathered manually by asking individuals across the business to send their information via separate documents, they now source this management information centrally, generating the reports they need, when they need them.

“ACMS has brought stability to the assessors’ role and has reduced the administration burden by over 50%. It has significantly improved the standard of our investigations, providing the ability to capture much more detailed information. The team at AssessTech are excellent. They are so responsive, obliging and helpful.  They are always quick to act on issues and one of their key strengths is their innovative approach; they regularly find solutions when we can’t find them.  Their training team are excellent and always up-to-date on the latest aspects of safety and competence.  AssessTech has been an excellent partner for Greater Anglia”.