The AssessTech Competence Management System (ACMS)
ACMS is a web-based application and a collection of offline device-based apps that can be combined to meet all your competence management needs. It is broken down into a number of modules that allow you to choose the system you need to support your business.
The Base module is always required, but the others are all optional. We work with you to understand your needs and set up your system to support you in the right way.
The Base Module allows you to customise your ACMS to meet your company standards and needs.
You can add your own logos, setup your company structure and manage all sorts of reference data. It also provides facilities to add personnel to the system and manage roles and security settings.

People Search and Resource Search facilities allow you to search for people not only by name, but also on the basis of their capability. Some of the search criteria that can be used are:
- Name, ID, date of birth, role and/or job title
- Competencies signed (including route and traction knowledge)
- Region, depot and team

The Candidate dashboard gives a view on everything ACMS knows about a person. The tabs which are available for a person, depend on their role, the security settings for the user viewing the dashboard, and the other modules of ACMS that are active.
Users of ACMS have a screen called “My Page”, which is accessible from the home screen. This is a view on all the data stored on the system about them. It’s similiar to the candidate dashboard, but the security permissions, functions and reports are tailored to be appropriate to the set of activities that people are allowed to do to themselves.

The user interface is fully customisable to support your company’s own branding. Language files are included that can be tailored to support either local terminology or support multiple different languages.

Assessment is a core part of competence management.
The Assessment module allows you to do the following:
- Manage performance criteria sets
- Plan assessments using schedules
- Track progress against your plan
- Analyse assessment data
- Conduct assessments electronically
- Rate criteria on your own developmental scale
- Verify, standardise and improve processes and standards using the data

aAssess comes as part of the Assessment Module. It’s an application for use on an iPad or Android tablet that allows Assessors to undertake assessments in a completely paper-free way.
Assessors can do the following using aAssess:
- View a candidates previous assessments
- View a candidate’s schedule to see when assessments are due
- Mark off performance criteria using your own developmental scale and make detailed comments against specific criteria
- Review items marked for development
- Record details of any journey undertaken (as waypoints)
- Write an assessment summary
The Incident module helps you manage all of your operational incidents.
You can replicate your existing paper-based investigation processes electronically, including the ability to:
- Log incidents
- Set due dates for investigations and allocate to the appropriate investigators
- Attach incidents to people
- Collect and upload evidence
- Enter the sequence of events on a timeline
- Choose Incident Causes from the RSSB cause set (or build you own)
- Identify Incident Factors
- Make recommendations
- Record outcomes, such as action taken and development plans
- Generate Investigation reports using your own company standard
- Manage the approvals cycle for investigations
You see all incidents and investigations using the Incident and Investigation Workbenches.

The Licensing Module is all about issuing ID cards and permits on the basis of competence.
Originally designed to support the European Driver Licensing directive, this module is now extended to support the issuing of all sorts of custom documentation. Specifically it’s being used to issue the following:
- Complementary certificates for European Driver Licenses
- Safety Critical Work ID (SCWID) cards
- Driving cab passes
- General ID cards
- Route and traction knowledge cards
You can use the Licensing module to issue your own bespoke ID cards and documentation with your own branding according to your own company standards.

The Hours Module is a tool to help manage the training of drivers.
It’s specifically designed for tracking the driving hours of trainee drivers during the practical handling phase of their training programme. It provides the following features:
- Tracking hours against core routes
- Tracking hours driven during daylight and darkness
- Reporting on the progress against a target number of hours for daylight, darkness and/or specific core routes.
- Tracking and reporting on trainees overrunning their practical handling schedule
The Bulletin module is all about the distribution of notices.
Various types of documents can be distributed to candidates in the field according to rules relating to their role, security group and location. Crucially, managers are informed when candidates download and read documents, removing the need for notices to be signed for manually.
Candidates can view and sign for documents on ACMS using their “My Page” screen, or they can do this using the aBulletin App.

The Bulletin App is an application for use on an iPad or Android tablet or smartphone that enables a candidate to receive notices in the field. Push notifications identify the availability of new material that can then be downloaded, reported as read and stored locally for reference.
The Check module is all about conducting fast checks in the workplace.
Authorised users can mark people off against criteria to execute things like fitness for duty checks or attendance at safety briefs.
Managers can see a record of such checks by looking on the relevant candidate’s dashboards, or see a summary view of all their people using the admins.
They can view and conduct checks in the workplace using the aCheck App.

aCheck is an application for use on an iPad or Android tablet that enables a the user to conduct quick checks in the field.
The Forms Module provides a form builder function.
Users with appropriate privileges can build custom forms (templates) and then allocate them to people using audiences. This allows custom data to be captured to resolve a number of gaps in processes that could not otherwise be made fully paperless.
Examples of things customers can do with Forms are:
- Capture driving hours for driver managers in order to maintain competence
- Capture details of times taken for various steps in a process in order to facilitate the measurements required to design process improvements
- Capture details of manual tasks (e.g. the amount of a product used when servicing a carriage)

aForms is an application for use on an iPad or Android tablet that enables a the user to fill in data on Forms whilst in the field.
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