The Assesstech User Forum, held on the 19th September 2018 in central London, brought together a wide range of competence management experts to find out about new developments in AssessTech products, share experience and industry best practice, raise questions and discuss ways to address competence management issues. Sally Brinkley welcomed everyone to the event and introduced the key themes for the morning: • ACMS v5 Features • New Bulletin Module • LMS/CMS Integration
Bulletin Module Sally and Jace Bennett then presented the exciting new feature being rolled out in the next few months – Bulletin Module. This provides the ability to create and communicate with dynamic audiences on the go. Whether you want to send text messages, PDFs, emails, video links, this module will automatically send bulletins to people identified in specific groups. Managers can monitor who has received, read and signed for these bulletins. Individual users will be given a Bulletin App to help them manage and view their documentation. They can also do this directly on ACMS.
LMS/CMS Integration The second part of forum looked at learning management as a key element of competence management. AssessTech are currently working closely with simulation experts 3dvsl to pull data from their interactive training apps which, along with data pulled from AssessBook, will pave the way for assessments based on evidence gathered during training.
3DVSL have developed a suite of apps for TOCs and manufacturers to create visual technologies & simulation solutions. Brendan Morris, CEO of 3DVSL said, “Technology changes the way people integrate with training. The optimum time for people to use an app to learn and/or train is 6 minutes and people like to do it in their own time – at home, after work or during breaks. All our solutions are delivered in short/sharp bursts of information to deliver the ultimate training experience using the best technology. We’ve delivered virtual reality training through our VR industry tailored simulation apps”. The next big roll out for 3DVSL is the roll out of a tablet based simulator for the GWR Class 387 which will tackling skills fade within the business. Watch this space! Sally and Jace demostrated the pull through of live data from AssessBook onto the Candidate Dashboard and the user’s My Page on ACMS. This new feature is available in ACMS V5.0.10, which will be released in the next few weeks.
Changes within AssessBook and AssessTube, which users will be able to see over the next few months, include theme changes, incorporating better usability and easier to use navigation. These will pave the way for single-sign on to all AssessTech Systems.
Assessment Update Improvements are also afoot for the aAssess App and the ACMS Assessment Module, bringing in new assessment states for candidates and assessors with more choice about how configure the system to support local safety standards and policies.
And Finally… Finally, the hit of the day by the sounds of the laughter and competitive shouts was the demonstration of the new Incident Recovery Kit. This is the new team building board game training aid from AssessTech that makes learning fun. The aim of the game is to maintain a company’s reputation by resolving incidents and preventing escalation.  We had lots of great feedback about the game and the fact that it is doing the job of making learning fun.
Thanks to everyone who attended the forum. We really got a lot of good feedback and suggestions and we are already working on the next steps for the various solutions to address these.
You can see what everyone though of the latest User Forum by watching the videos below.  If you’d like to find out more about our User Forums or anything else in this article please get in touch.

Meet the Attendees…

Meet the Speakers…