User Forum 2019

2019 User Forum focuses on new features, new themes and new platforms.

Our User Forums provide competence management professionals, across heavy and light rail, an opportunity to get together to find out about developments in AssessTech’s range of products, give feedback on their experiences, discuss industry challenges and share best practice. 

This year’s forum will take place on 18 September in Woburn Conference Centre in London and we are delighted that so many of our clients have signed up already.   In line with the outputs from last year’s forum, we will be looking at a number of the new features on ACMS V5.1, including the Bulletin and Check modules, and some new base module features.

Watch the hightlight reel from 2018

We have new themes for AssessBook and AssessTube and some exciting news about integration plans for all of our systems as well as some interfaces to external systems.

Talking of external systems, we are delighted to be joined this year by the team from accessplanit who will give us some insight into their training management system, which is a perfect fit with AssessBook.

Returning this year will be 3DVSL who will provide an update on their latest technology and we have a new AssessTech training aid to unveil in the Incident Investigation space. 

Naheem Manir from West Midland Trains commented on the previous forums, “I really believe the AssessTech user forums are a great opportunity to discuss and develop best practice for the industry around electronic competence management.” 

If you have not yet registered for the forum, email to secure your place.