A series of FREE standardisation sessions aimed at helping and supporting Internal Quality Assurers (IQAs).
Whether you are an experienced IQA or someone working towards a qualification, you may find yourself in need of help or simply wanting a bit of a refresher. If that’s the case these sessions are for you.
Once registered you get a chance to email the trainer with any questions or issues – if you do this then the trainer will tailor the session to include the topic that helps you.
Sign up for a session below by clicking on one of the BOOK buttons. You will be asked to register with a valid email address, which we will use to supply you with joining instructions. Places are limited, so please only take one if you are committed to attending.

You will be redirected to a shopping basket and then asked to choose who is attending – if you are doing this for the first time then select “Register and Continue” to make yourself an account. Once complete you will receive joining instructions by email.