Rob Green joins us as Head of Operations
We are delighted to welcome Rob Green to head up our customer support team.
Rob joined AssessTech in November and will be responsible for managing day-to-day operations, including support calls and customer issues and working closely with the admin users and executives in each of the AssessTech customer organisations.
Rob’s background is in electronics where he focused on business development and customer management, working across many sectors from defence to aerospace.

“Providing first class service to all our customers across the globe is very important to me. I am excited about the opportunity to support our customer network in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Middle East. The customer support team are fantastic at what they do, and I hope to provide further guidance and support to them to ensure we continue to deliver first class customer service.
“Although I’m not from the rail industry, I was attracted to this role by AssessTech’s strong ethics and approach – to make our railways safer! I am passionate about making a difference in the world and I hope to do a little bit of that through this role.” — Rob Green, Head of Operations, AssessTech.

Rob is a passionate cyclist. He’s currently 23rd in the Wessex Cyclocross Racing League and loves nothing better than being on the hills cycling through puddles and getting muddy!
He lives with his partner and they are currently planning on getting a puppy early in 2022….pupdates to follow!