Support AssessTech to fundraise for Railway Children

Please help support the AssessTech team as we fundraise for the Railway Children charity.

We’re raising funds to support our corporate charity Railway Children in a Network Rail relay marathon being held at Caldecotte Lake in Milton Keynes on Friday 9th June.

The team will be running 7 laps of the lake to complete a total distance of a marathon.

Please sponsor the team to support this great cause via our JustGiving page.

The team are well underway with their training for the marathon!

Who are Railway Children?

Railway Children is an international children’s charity who work with some of the most vulnerable children in India, East Africa and in the UK. The charity fight for vulnerable children who live alone on the streets, where they suffer abuse and exploitation, and provide protection and opportunity for children with nowhere else to go and nobody to turn to.

In 2021, the charity supported 21,000 children, where in 2020, Railway Children helped to reach and protect 15,822 children.

Read our recent interview here with Dave Ellis about our partnership with the charity and about the invaluable work that they do. 

The relay marathon represents a great opportunity to support our partnered charity Railway Children and all the hard work that they do across the globe. Hopefully the team and I can put in a respectable time although we aren’t that competitive…. honest!

Rob Green

Director of Operations, AssessTech