Eurostar use ACMS and AssessBook for Engineering

We spoke to Pip Stone from Eurostar ahead of the User Forum to understand how they are using ACMS and AssessBook to manage competence within their engineering teams.

Pip is the Training, Strategy and Development Manager at Eurostar’s Engineering Centre.  Before moving all their competence onto ACMS, Eurostar were managing all records via spreadsheets and paper.  This caused significant obstacles around auditability and being able to extract and manipulate the data.

As a company, Eurostar wanted one system that worked across the whole business and provided a holistic reporting structure.  ACMS was rolled out into Pip’s department during lockdown to manage configurable resources, criteria and schedules. Problems occurred initially in terms of usability, however, that was easily overcome through training and support.

Pip Stone, Training, Strategy and Development Manager at Eurostar

ACMS now offers Eurostar the ability to extract and manipulate the data as required. Engineers are not subject to continuous assessment they have one annual major assessment. Team managers are now using it to monitor competencies and training requirements and manage elements such as periodicities.  Senior management can review individuals against performance, providing the ability to forward plan and see where demand will occur.

Pip commented,

“All of our records are collated and stored electronically.  We have eliminated all requirements of unnecessary paper from our systems and ACMS has now become the ‘single point of truth’ for Eurostar’s engineering team.  Over the last 1.5 years we have made 51 feature requests – we are really refining ACMS to suit our requirements.”


Eurostar have identified some major enhancements to the system such as:

  • Changing the check module so it can evolve from being a simple yes/no fitness record
  • Enhancing the incident module to improve the clarity of data and enable diagrams to be created directly within this module
  • Evolving the candidate dashboard to include elements such as improvement points to demonstrate the continuous improvement log.

If you are considering using ACMS for departments out-with operations, then get your questions ready for Pip at the User Forum next week on Thursday 18th November at Woburn House Conference Centre in London.

If you haven’t yet booked your place, find out more and register here.

Eurostar ACMS Homepage