GB Railfreight use AssessTech’s risk management solution to manage risk

We’re looking forward to hearing from Safety Manager for GB Railfreight, Jake Rapp, at our user forum in November about the benefits our 6clicks risk management solution is having on managing incidents for the business.

Following a review from BSI (British Standards Institution), GB Railfreight were picked up for a major NCR around management of actions, non-conformities and close out.  BSI recommended that they needed a system to manage their actions better.

Previously the business had used Corusion, an Ideagen solution that was part of the Safety Management Information Service (SMIS) industry initiative as it was felt these two solutions would be integrated over time.  There were challenges around the usability and streamlining of Corusion which meant GB Railfreight had to introduce action based spreadsheets to work alongside Corusion, causing issues with consistency and out-dated information.

Benefits of 6clicks risk management solution

Jake highlighted the key benefits of the solution for GB Railfreight

  • It is simple to operate and understand
  • It is easy to set up and link fields, matrices and standards, giving us a clear and easy way to link risks to standards
  • Lloyd and the team at AssessTech explained the system and clearly outlined what it could do and we developed a requirements document to tailor it to our needs.
  • The system met 33 out of our 36 requirements, which was better than any of the other systems that we reviewed.
  • Excellent data and insights which means we have everything we need in one system and one easily searchable dashboard.

Impacts to-date

Jake explained that the 6Clicks system has been really useful for looking at risks in their system, enabling them to rework their safety risk register.  The solution enables them to look at all their risks in one register to demonstrate the overall risk profile of the business and where they rank within each section.

They have also created a residual risk matrix, looking at how effective their controls area is. 

This information is essential for planning management requirements for incidents and linking those back to elements such as standards, locations, timescales and legislation (ROGs).


Next Steps

RM3 audits are now being configured to suit GB Railfreight’s needs.  This element is being trailed by some of their regions, prior to being rolled out further to their busy operations teams.

Jake will provide an overview of how they are using 6Clicks to manage their risk at the user forum and explain how this is really creating benefits for their organisation.